The blogs in this section are born sometime between the time I hit the bed and just before I go into a deep slumber. As funny as it may sound, think thatz when muh mind works in full gear and neurons are randomly fired! Sometimes they hit a nice pattern... And when it does, I remember it the next day morn!! And from now on, whenever I remember the pattern, you would get to read them over here!! Howizzit?! ;)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Beauty of Nature - Part 1

About a year back, nothing was going right for me. Both my professional life and my personal life were taking a deep dive. I was trying to reason out as to why my life is taking such a big nose-dive. As every one that went through such a phase would know, its a futile excercise. Most of the time, think the best solution would be to attribute it to Murphy's Law - "When things have to go wrong, it will go wrong".

Anywayz, at that point of time, I was not as wise as I am right now (Atleast I think so, though most of the people that know me would strongly disagree!), I blamed Nature.

I thought world would be a fairer place, if every human being is an exact clone of the other. Every place/city/country is the exact replica of every other place/city/country. At this point, I know what would hit you - "How boring! How could you live a life, in which anything and everything is an exact replica of every other anything and every other everything!!". Letz rewind about a zillion years back and assume that you are God and you erase the colour blue from earth. By doing so, the zillions of people that would grace the earth to live would never know what a colour blue is!! Now letz extend this analogy to a place where anything and everything looks like every other anything and every other everything!! If you have got used to living such a life, why would you even care if everything looks the same?!

Now let's talk about what would happen, if all men were exact clones:

1. There would be 1 single race
2. There would be 1 single country
3. Since everyone knows how each person is going to react to a situation, it is easy to manage the people
4. There would be 1 single religion

I can go on and on listing stuff like that, but the bottom line is, world would be a fairer place! Infact such a world would be much more than more fairer! It would be a place where there would be no bloodshed! No war!! No Hatred!! (Not to forget heartbreaks in the matters of the heart;) )

I made the above conclusions and I convinced myself that Nature is crazy! It could have made life of people much more easier if it had simply replicated!

Now hold on! Dont brand me as an enemy of nature, roll up your sleeves and get ready to attack me! Later I did realise that for everything to what Nature is, there is a purpose... That you would read, in the second part... Till then, take care!




Blogger iii said...

nice post :-)! nature has wonderful lessons for everyday life...if only we pay attention...Will wait for your take on the reasons....
But a point to ponder...if god or nature decided to play with "same ville" actually there wouldnt be any same ville.. since everything is the same, there wont be any races/nations etc will be just a big nothing or one everything however you look at it!
P.S infact was just thinking today about a blog linking immunology and real am sure to right about it in the near future .thanks to you!

3:26 AM

Blogger ~gauri~ said...

Hmm...interesting! More so coz its posted by someone who has an Avtaar on Yahoo :)...i mean, isnt that something you do to diffrentiate yourself from the junta? So wonder just what triggered the musing about wanting ppl to be exact replicas of each other....

As for the Murphy's Law, lolz...yeah...everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. "The gods may throw a dice...their minds as cold as ice...". But having said that...we have a lot to learn from that too...whether we take time out to decipher it or thats a different story :)

11:48 AM


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