What would happen...
Have any of you people out there, thought about a scenario like this?! What happens when the value of the Rupee shoots up over time and one fine day 1 Rupee = 1 US Dollar?!
India is a developing country right?! I bet there would be no debate on that... We are also 1 billion plus people in this country. Our incomes are on the rise... So once your incomes are on the rise, purchasing power of the people are also on the rise. So the next logical conclusion would be, we need more stuff to be manufactured/imported and more services to the people in India who are experiencing an increase in purchasing power...
My point is... US and most of the western world, is looking for cheaper places to service its people and also to get its stuff manufactured... and the population of the US and the developed world put together is probably like 70% of the population of India?! :-? So when more and more people become rich in India and we need more and more people to service and manufacture stuff for these rich people, it kinda has a snowballing effect... Dont you think so? We got 1 billion people for christ sake!! Enough to do more business than all the developed countries put together... (But leave China out ;) )Dont you think so?! So we kinda would become a country that is self-sustaining... As in you dont need business from outside... You have enough business inside your country.... Precisely like what a US is today!
So when that happens... the value of Indian Rupee is sure to shoot up! So would we end up buying a BMW in India for Rs.35,499.99 only!? ;)
Think about it...
Enjoyable long comment on Meg's blog so thought mebbe i cud drop in and chk out ur stuff.. Hope u dun mind..
After Azkaban which i thoroughly enjoyed, ppl have been asking me to check out Cuaron's more acclaimed "Y Tu.." Since tis there in ur fave movies list too, mebbe tis time i caught up with it...
Nice thoughtful first post. Lage raho.
8:08 PM
Thanks mate, you hold the honor of being the first person to post a comment on my first blog now ;) Would remember this one till the day I RIP!!
4:26 AM
Amen to that! If that were true...I would be the gal with the goofiest smile on Stanford campus. The trees would look greener...the nerds would look cute...my roomies snore wudnt be soo bad afterall...! Me would have that cute dog I saw in San Francisco sleeping with me on my bed every night (it cost JUST $40! Stuffed dog guyz...i beleive the bow wow types are mighty expensive)Would have flown home everytime time i got homesick!
The "management science" part of me wants to point out a 1000+1 reasons why de analogy between India and US does not hold...but what the heck...I like the make-believe world better in this case.1 Rupee=1 Dollar....la la la...
6:03 PM
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